Raised Panel Shaper Cutters for 5/8 Inch Material - Decorative

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DDiameterBCutting HeightBoreRRadiusCOptional Rub Collara° DegreeR1BrandTool NoOur PriceWish ListReady To Buy
55/81/2 & 3/41/81-1/2C-010**--Amana ToolSC690Amana Tool SC690 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Decorative Raised Panel 1/8 R x 5 D x 5/8 CH x 1/2 & 3/.4 Bore Shaper Cutter for 5/8 MaterialMore info$158.10$110.67
55/81/2 & 3/45/321-1/2C-010**-Amana ToolSC694Amana Tool SC694 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Decorative Raised Panel 4 Deg x 5/32 R x 5 D x 5/8 CH x 1/2 & 3/4 Bore Shaper Cutter for 5/8 MaterialMore info$179.25$125.48
5-1/25/81 & 1-1/45/321-1/2C-017***-Amana ToolSC528Amana Tool SC528 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Decorative Raised Panel 4 Deg x 5/32 R x 5-1/2 D x 5/8 CH x 1 & 1-1/4 Bore Shaper Cutter for 5/8 MaterialMore info$205.65$143.96
5-1/25/81 & 1-1/41-5/161-1/2C-017***28°1-15/16;Amana ToolSC530Amana Tool SC530 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Decorative Raised Panel 28 Deg x 1-5/16 R x 5-1/2 D x 5/8 CH x 1 & 1-1/4 Bore Shaper Cutter for 5/8 MaterialMore info$197.65$138.36


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