Spektra™ Extreme Tool Life Coated Router Bits

Spektra™ router bits utilize nACo® nanocomposite coating for longer lifetime in today's modern materials.
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The nACo micro-thin ceramic coating provides extreme nanohardness and heat resistance to the router bit. With a brilliant distinctively-tinted coloring nACo provides additional improvements in four critical aspects of router tooling.
- nACo coating is an micro-thin ceramic coating which enables the tool's cutting edge to retain crucial sharpness and lubricity. This provides longevity and produces cutting results of the highest quality.
- Coatings prevents high heat and oxidation which is detrimental to cutting tool performance.
- Multi-colored hues, while attractive, will dissipate upon use and yet coating will remain fully effective.
- nACo offers approximately 4,500 Vickers for impressive solid hardness on cutting areas of the tool, for an increase up to 2.5 times compared to uncoated bits.

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