Carbide Tipped Countersinks & Plug Cutters: Disguising Wood Screws
When building a project such as a deck or furniture with screws, why not try to disguise the screws whenever possible.

Introducing, from left to right, the non-marring & non-burning adjustable depth stop countersink (#55225), a set of three carbide tipped plug cutters (#55220, #55222, #55224) and finally the carbide tipped plug planer (#PLP-100).
Rather than drilling the countersink so the screw head is flush with the surface, I have adjusted the depth of cut so the countersink will set the screw a 5mm below the surface.

You can see the non-marring countersink provides a very clean hole.
Next, on your drill press, mount the appropriate plug cutter. For safety and to ensure you cut a clean plug, the workpiece must be secured during the operation.
I’ve used all three plug cutters shown above to see how the sizes of the resulting wooden plugs actually look.

The carbide tipped plug cutters made this a very easy job. Using a screwdriver, I carefully removed the plug sideways until it snapped free. The plugs were then cut roughly to length before being glued back in.
Next I tried the carbide tipped plug planer mounted in a handheld drill, you can also use a drillpress.

If you take the time to ensure grain direction is considered, then plane flat and a finish with a very quick sand, the plugs virtually vanish resulting in a disguise any use of screws in your project.

Very good results! These countersinks by Amana Tool® and provided by ToolsToday make the job really easy.
Originally posted by Stu on April 3rd, 2014.
Read the original post here.